J. Mark Weber, Ph.D., Founder, President, and Senior Investigator.
While at Harvard, Mark was a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow in Rich Losick's lab in the Department of Cellular and Developmental Biology. Mark received his M.S. and Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and worked under the mentorship of Dean David Perlman (Pharmacy), Prof. Dick Hutchinson (Pharmacy/Biochemistry), and worked as a visiting scholar in Prof. Julian Davies laboratory (Biochemistry). Mark was also a fellow of the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education while pursuing his Ph.D. and worked in collaboration with Abbott Laboratories as well. His undergraduate education was at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute where he majored in Biology.
In recognition for his work at Fermalogic, Mark received the 2001 National Tibbetts Award, presented in Washington DC by the Small Business Administration. He has also been awarded seven patents in the areas of metabolic engineering and industrial microbiology. Also among his awards is the Abbott Laboratories President's award and in 1996 he was inducted into Governor Jim Edgar's "Illinois Small Business 100". At the Chicago Technology Park Research Center he founded the CTP Tenants Forum and served as Chairman of the board for three years.
Mark is a member of numerous industry groups for which he has presented Fermalogic's research, including the Society of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology, the American Society of Microbiology and the American Chemical Society. He has published many scientific papers in the area of industrial microbiology, metabolic engineering and new drug development. Mark has also served on several NIH study sections.